Song of the Day: Crying

Happy Sunday everyone. I hope you all are doing well. Today’s Song of the Day comes from another one of my favorite artists, Roy Orbison. He originally released this song in July of 1961 and it reached number 1 in the Australian charts and number 2 in America. Along with the original studio release, I also attached a live recording of the song that Orbison did for a Cinemax special. The special was filmed in September of 1987, but released in January of 1988. 26 years after the original recording, he didn’t sound any different. He was a legend for sure. Another interesting fact about the live performance, his backing band was the TCB Band, and if you don’t know who they are, they were Elvis Presley’s backing band for all of his tours and Las Vegas performances in the 70’s. Have a great day everybody.
