Song of the Day: Flea Market Montgomery

Happy Friday everyone! I had this song stuck in my head the other day and decided I needed to include it on our Song of the Day. You probably have heard this song before, as it went viral about 15 years ago or so. It was also featured on “The Cleveland Show” which helped contribute to its now 12 million hits on YouTube. “Flea Market Montgomery” was a local commercial for a Montgomery, Alabama furniture store called Flea Market Montgomery. Unfortunately, the store is now closed, but the jingle lives on. Sammy Stephens is the name of the dancer/singer/performer…he even has his own website, so you know he’s legit. I am quite sure this is one of the best commercials ever made and I hope you enjoy it too…hey maybe even do the Flea Market Montgomery dance while you’re at it! Have a great weekend!