Song of the Day: Black Summer

Happy Monday everyone! Start today off with the new (a few weeks old now) Red Hot Chili Peppers single, “Black Summer.” Ever since news broke more than a year ago that John Frusciante was rejoining the band, I’ve been very much looking forward to the new music they would produce. And about two weeks ago, this song dropped as their lead single for their upcoming album. The first time I heard this song, I was pleased because it has that classic Chili Peppers sound to it. A lot of time bands change their sound after a while, and I was hoping that wouldn’t be the case here. And it’s not. If you didn’t know any better, you would almost think it was another song on By the Way or Stadium Arcadium. My only issue with the song, and it’s not really an issue at all, is wondering why Anthony Kiedis pronounces some of the words with an “r” in it really weirdly in the opening verses. But overall, I like this song and I think it will continue to grow on me. I’m really excited to see what the rest of the album brings.
