Song of the Day: Scuttle Buttin'

I had to make sure this one hasn’t been featured yet, not that it would matter, but it hasn't. This Stevie Ray Vaughn jam was released back in 1984 and it’s an rockin’ instrumental. If we have any NASCAR fans out there that played NASCAR 99 back in the day, you definitely recognize this song. It was one of 3 songs featured on the game. Nostalgia kicks in really hard every time I hear this song. More importantly though, I wanted to make a connection to the race today. We kick off the 2022 NASCAR season at Daytona today and it should be an interesting year. The field is deeper than it has been in quite some time, so hopefully we get some more interesting outcomes throughout the year. The race doesn’t start until 2:30, but from now until then, you could probably play this song on repeat and not get tired of it.
