Song of the Day: Tell All The People

Tell All The People by The Doors. An outtake from the band’s Waiting For The Sun album, Tell All The People would feature on the band’s fourth studio album, Soft Parade. Not the biggest hit, as the song only reached 57 on the US Billboard, but it’s a very underrate song by The Doors in my opinion and one of the best from that album. An interesting story from this song though is that due to the “get your guns” line in the song, the individual band members ended up being credited on the album as songwriters as opposed the entire band, which was the case for their first 3 albums. Apparently Jim Morrison wasn’t a huge fan of the line as he didn’t want fans to mistake the lyric as a call to arms or to even bring guns to the band’s concerts. But Robby Krieger, who wrote the song, didn’t want to change the lyrics, so Morrison at least made them individually credit the songwriters on the album so he wasn’t credited with those lyrics. Which is kind of funny that he didn’t like the lyrics……considering he only sang them.
