Song of the Day: Uncloudy Day

Happy Sunday everyone and Happy Easter! I have had the honor of choosing songs on Sundays for a while and that means I have the honor each year to pick a good song for Easter. I like to pick a song with gospel themes or themes relevant to the holiday. Today, I’m going to go with a Willie Nelson song. This is an old hymn that was written in 1879 by Josiah Kelley Alwood. Many singers have covered the hymn through the years, but I think I like Willie Nelson’s the best. In fact, this is my personal favorite song of Willie Nelson, which is crazy because he has written and performed a lot of great songs. Nelson released this song as a single in 1977 and reached number 4 on the country charts. It was featured on his album The Troublemaker, and there are a lot of great gospel songs on that album. I hope you all have a great Easter holiday. Sit back, reflect, and remember why you are celebrating today.
