Song of the Day: Christmas Time

That’s right, it’s Christmas time, which means it’s time for the “voice of the season.” I’m not talking about Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, or even Elvis, though. I’m talking about the one and only Lazy Eye Larry. Although famously known as the voice of Christmas, around these parts he’s just simply known as “the voice.” It’s not hard to tell why, either. Just listen to the delivery of this song. The words seem to flow effortlessly, just as a freshly fallen leaf floats down a river. There’s a reason why this is the only Christmas song Lazy Eye Larry has ever done. It’s because it’s perfection. There wasn’t a need to do any more because no one can simply get enough of this one. I usually end my Song of the Days with a line saying that I hope you enjoy it, but I won’t do that this time. Because I KNOW you will enjoy it. Have a great Christmas Time.
