Song of the Day: In The Ghetto

elvis in the early 70s!!!! "Avaible on Special Edition DVD by Warner Bros"

In The Ghetto by The King, Elvis Presley. This song was released in 1969 and was a big hit single and part of Elvis’ comeback. What makes this song so incredible to me is how in just a handful of verses he is able provide so much imagery and tell such a powerful story. It’s also not a song you have to dig deep to make sense of. If you listen to it, it’s pretty clear it’s about a child growing up poor and having nobody to lean so he turns to crime and it results in his death, and as he dies another child is born in the exact same circumstance and the cycle repeats itself. Not many songs could be as relevant as this one 51 yrs later. Pretty powerful stuff by The King, so on a lighter note here is Cartman from Southpark singing In The Ghetto as he travels to Kenny’s house.

Eric Cartman in the ghetto!
