Christmas Songs From THE BEST Music Channel on YouTube

A few years ago I stumbled across a YouTube channel while watching a cover for a song that I can’t remember now.  But I loved the cover so much that I decided to explore the rest of the channel to listen to other covers put out by this artist.  I’m very glad I did.  The artist’s name is Josh Turner and his channel is Josh Turner Guitar.  He’s got numerous cover songs featuring just himself and numerous others featuring other talented people that he knows, including Carson McKee who is the other half of their band “The Other Favorites.”

I always find myself so impressed by the musical range of Josh as he plays such a variety of music, as well as plays many different instruments.  For a while now I have been meaning to write a blog promoting Josh Turner’s YouTube channel and his band The Other Favorites because I’m a huge fan of his work and seriously want his music to be heard by as many people as possible.  I figured now is the perfect time to do this.  There are many Christmas songs on his YouTube channel, so I will share with you some of them in hopes that you will be just as impressed with the talent as I am.  I have a very good feeling you will be.  Merry Christmas!

And I’ll include one that’s not a Christmas song, but a great tune anyway. “Take It Easy” by The Eagles cover. Check out the rest of their channel, seriously! Enjoy
